Murray City Library
166 East 5300 South
Murray, Utah 84107

Monday – Thursday | 9:00AM – 8:00PM
Friday & Saturday | 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Closed Sunday

Kim Fong: 801-264-2585



Make lives better and enrich communities.


Be community driven and forward-thinking.


Open new worlds through discovery and imagination.


Focus on the future of our patrons and community by being helpful, welcoming, inclusive, engaging, and innovative.


Board Information

Board Members

District 1 – Kirsten Woodbury
District 2 – Dustin Lewis
District 3 – L. Sage Fitch
District 4 – Joelle Rasmussen
District 5 – Wini DeMann
At Large – Ali Lyddall
At Large – Jessica Lucero Miller

District Map

Library Board Meetings

Click HERE to view a calendar of upcoming meetings and past board minutes. The meetings are usually scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.

Library Policies

Call 801-264-2585 for clarifications

Get a Library Card

Bring Photo ID and proof of Current Address

Code of Conduct

Patrons shall be engaged in activities associated with the use of a public library while in the building.

Patrons not engaged in reading, studying, using library materials/the computers/wireless system or attending events may be asked to leave the building.

The following behaviors are not permitted:

  • Any illegal activity.
  • Soliciting.
  • Blocking access to entrances, exits, or library services inside or outside the library.
  • Use of wheeled devices, except for wheelchairs, walkers, strollers for children, and medically necessary scooters inside or outside the library.
  • Using more space than is typically required for one person and their belongings.
  • Loud talking, other noises or actions that distract and interrupt other patrons or staff.
  • Using audible devices without headphones or with headphones set at a volume that disturbs others.
  • Using communication devices in a manner that disturbs others.
  • Running, pushing, shoving, physical threats, horseplay or other acts of violence.
  • Any harassment or abuse, whether verbal or physical, of patrons or library employees. Harassment may include but is not limited to verbal or physical conduct another individual reasonably perceives to be hostile, threatening, or offensive.
  • Misuse or abuse of furniture, equipment, materials or other library property.
  • Littering inside or outside the library.
  • Failure to follow library policies regarding public access to the Internet.
  • Smoking, use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, alcohol and drugs; the library is a smoke-free and drug-free environment.
  • Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while in the library.
  • Use of the library restrooms for anything other than their ordinarily intended purpose, it being understood that such purposes do not include loitering, bathing, shaving, doing laundry or washing hair.
  • Animals in the library, with the exception of service animals.  Individuals with a service animal must maintain control of the animal at all times.
  • Using library property for prolonged sleeping or as living quarters.
  • Leaving personal items unattended inside or outside the library. The library cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items. Unattended items may be removed and discarded.
  • Presenting an offensive, pervasive odor which interferes with others’ comfortable use of the library.

Food and drink is allowed in the library if practiced “within reason” as determined by library staff.

A person must wear clothing (covering upper and lower body) and footwear in the library.

The library reserves the right to respond to any and all conduct not expressly set forth herein, but which is deemed by library staff to interfere with the use of the library by other patrons or library staff.

Patrons will be warned once and required to leave the premises if the unacceptable behavior continues.

Repeat misconduct for minor offenses or the commission of severe offenses (even if a single isolated event) may result in individuals being immediately trespassed from the library for a specified period of time determined by library staff, or in extremely severe and extraordinary circumstances, permanently.

Trespass procedures are outlined below.

Adopted by the Murray Library Board of Trustees – June 21, 2006; Revised January 17, 2024.

Internet and Computer Use


Murray City Library provides computers, network access, wireless access and software applications.


The library upholds and affirms the right of each individual adult to access constitutionally protected material. The library abides by all local, State and Federal laws or regulations concerning Internet access by adults and minors.

The library uses an internet technology protection measure that strives to protect against access to visual depictions (1) of child pornography, (2) that are harmful to minors, or (3) are obscene. The library does not and cannot guarantee that the filter will block all obscenity, child pornography or material that is harmful to minors. 

For the safety and security of minors, parents/guardians are ultimately responsible for their child’s use of electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications. 

The library prohibits anyone from disclosing, using or disseminating personal information regarding minors and encourages parents/guardians to teach their children internet safety guidelines. 

The library prohibits unauthorized access including “hacking” and other unlawful activities by minors and all other library users. 

Public-use computers are placed in high traffic areas, with screens visible to library staff.

The library may impose time limits to facilitate equitable access to computers.

Terms & Conditions

The library is not responsible for any damages to personal property or for information obtained on the internet. The Library Director or a designee may also determine other reasonable restrictions in specific cases which may not be addressed by this policy, until the Library Board of Trustees has had the opportunity to review the need for such restrictions. This policy will be published on the library web site.


“Adult” is an individual 18 years of age or older.
“Minor” is an individual younger than 18 years of age.
“Technology Protection Measure” is a technology that blocks or filters Internet access to visual depictions.
“Child Pornography” is defined in Section 76-5b-103
“Harmful to Minors” is defined in Section 76-10-1201
“Obscene” is defined in 20 U.S.C. Sec. 9101


A library card is required for internet access. Out of state users may obtain a guest pass with government issued photo identification. A ten-minute session on the Quick Print Computer is allowed without a library card.

Restriction of a minor’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

The wireless network uses an Internet technology protection measure and is available to all.

The Library Director or a designee may, in accordance with the law, disable a technology protection measure to permit an adult to access constitutionally protected material.

Individuals accessing the Internet must follow all local, State and Federal laws regarding acceptable behavior.

Visual depiction of sexual material may create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment which is prohibited by the Murray City Anti-Harassment Policy.

Complaints about this policy or its enforcement should be submitted in writing to the Library Director, who will respond within 30 days. The decision of the director may be appealed to the Board of Trustees in writing within 30 days. The Library Board or the Murray City Attorney will respond to the appeal within 30 days.

This policy was adopted on June 16, 2004.

Reviewed and amended by the Murray Library Board of Trustees –July 20, 2022

Library Cards, Loan Periods, Fines


The intent of this policy is to set rules which provide fair and equal access to books and other library materials. The Library Board of Trustees delegates to the staff the authority to establish procedures and implement technology which supports this goal.

Library Cards

The following card types are offered:

Adult Resident Card
Any adult resident of Salt Lake County is eligible for this card. Photo identification and proof of current address is required. Employees of Murray City are eligible for this card, regardless of place of residence.

Juvenile Resident Card
Cardholders have access to all library materials and library computers. Minors under the age of 18 years must have approval of their legal guardian in the library at the time the card is issued. Adults are responsible for all charges to their account and their child’s account; adults must have an Adult Resident Card before their child can have a card. The Adult Responsible Party is the only person authorized to make changes to Juvenile accounts.

Juvenile Resident No Movies Card
Cardholders have full access to library materials (except for movies) and library computers. Minors under the age of 18 must have approval of their legal guardian in the library at the time the card is issued. Adults are responsible for all charges to their account and their child’s account; adults must have an Adult Resident Card before their child can have a card. The Adult Responsible Party is the only person authorized to make changes to Juvenile accounts.

Adult Internet Card
Any adult with photo identification is eligible for this card, which offers use of computers in the library.

Juvenile Internet Card
Minors under the age of 18 must have approval of their legal guardian in the library at the time the card is issued; adults must have an Adult Card of any type before their child can have a card. The Adult Responsible Party is the only person authorized to make changes to Juvenile accounts.

Adult Non-Resident Card
Adults who do not live in Salt Lake County are eligible for this card after paying a $95 annual fee. Photo identification and proof of current address is required.

Juvenile Non-Resident Card
Minors under the age of 18 years must have approval of their legal guardian in the library at the time the card is issued. Adults are responsible for all charges to their account and their child’s account; adults must have a Non-Resident Card before their child can have a card. The Adult Responsible Party is the only person authorized to make changes to Juvenile accounts. Eligible minors must pay a $95 annual fee.

Friends of the Murray Library Card
Any adult resident of Salt Lake County is eligible for this card after paying $25 and offering 5 hours of volunteer service with the Friends of the Murray Library. This card is renewed annually.

Organization Card
Murray City businesses, non-profits, and educational organizations are eligible for this card upon approval through an application process.

Homebound Card
Homebound Murray City residents are eligible for this card upon approval through an application process.

Adult with Responsible Party
An adult resident of Salt Lake County who requires a caretaker is eligible for this card, which attaches another responsible adult to the account upon approval through an application process.

A valid library card or photo identification which confirms the account must be presented at checkout. Lost or stolen cards and changes in residence, email address, or telephone number should be reported as soon as possible to ensure prompt and accurate notification. While every effort is made to notify patrons of overdue, lost, or missing items, patrons are responsible for the return of items, regardless of notification by the library.

Loan Policies

Books, CD Books, Audio Books, Read-Along Books, and Music checkout for 28 Days.
20 CD Books, 20 Audio Books, and 20 CD Music Discs at a time. 3 Read-Along Books at a time.

Movies, Tablets, Hotspots, and Telescopes checkout for 7 Days.
20 Movies, 1 Tablet, 1 Hotspot, and 1 Telescope at a time.


Book, CD Book, Audio Books, and Music overdue fines are $.15 per day.

Movie and Tablet overdue fines are $.50 per day.

Hotspot overdue fines are $2.00 per day.

Telescope fines are $5.00 per day.

Library materials may be renewed twice if the account, or any account for which the patron is responsible, is in good standing and no holds are pending. Telescopes do not renew. Patrons may have 75 items checked out at a time. New patrons will have a one-month probationary period in which they may have 10 items checked out.

The maximum fine is $5.00 per item, with the exception of Hotspots ($70 maximum fine) and Telescopes ($175 maximum fine.) Borrowing privileges are suspended when fines exceed ten dollars ($10.00). Borrowing privileges may be revoked for repeatedly damaging items or for excessively or repeatedly returning items past their due date.

Other costs may include $1.00 to replace a library card and paying the list price to replace a lost item.

Approved by Library Board of Trustees on September 18, 2024

Interlibrary Loan Requests

Interlibrary Loan service is only available to Adult Resident and Adult Non-Resident patrons whose accounts are in good standing. This service is not available to Internet, Juvenile, New, or Homebound patrons.

If a book is not available through the Salt Lake City Library or the Salt Lake County Library, you may submit a request to borrow it from another library. Only standard-sized books can be submitted as Interlibrary Loan requests. We are unable to fulfill requests for oversized items, textbooks, academic books and journals or audio-visual materials.

Patrons may only have one interlibrary loan at a time. An interlibrary loan must be returned on time and in good condition before another request can be made.

All Interlibrary Loans will check out for an initial three-week period, unless otherwise requested by the lending library. Renewal requests must be made to the Customer Service Librarian at least 5 business days in advance of an item’s due date. There is no guarantee of renewals.

All fees and fines associated with an Interlibrary Loan will be the responsibility of the patron.

Adopted by the Murray Library Board of Trustees August 18, 2021


Collection Management


The Murray City Library selects materials which promote the joy of reading, viewing, and listening. The library collections are designed to give our patrons materials they will enjoy. The Library selects materials to reflect the diversity of the needs and interests of our patrons. 

It should be recognized that some materials may seem inappropriate or insignificant to some readers or viewers while being appropriate or significant to others. Collections in the library are organized according to publisher-assigned categories such as Young Adult or Fiction. These categories indicate the marketed audience. They are not a rating of content which varies widely. The library respects each patron’s freedom to choose what they read and does not endorse any particular content. The library also respects each parent/guardian’s role in guiding. content choices for their family. The library cannot judge values or categorize content for the community as a whole. The library does not necessarily endorse or agree with the opinions expressed by the materials in the collection. The Library Board of Trustees delegates the authority to make selection decisions to the library staff and adopts a budget which actively promotes a collection that responds to community needs.


As a popular materials library we make selections based on anticipated and/or actual demand. The collection is not designed to be all inclusive or comprehensive. Patron interest will be determined by comparative statistical use reports. 

Patron requests are given a very high priority in our selection process. The community defines our collection through their requests, suggestions, and use. Requests may be limited by item availability through our vendor and/or allocated funds. Patrons can make purchase suggestions through our online Purchase Request Form.


Due to limited capacity, titles must earn space on our shelves or they are removed to make room for newer and/or more popular materials. Materials are retained for as long as they have a demonstrated value based on use reports. Examples of criteria for withdrawn materials may include outdated information, poor condition or infrequent use. Materials removed from our collection may be disposed of or donated to not-for-profit organizations.


The Murray Library welcomes and accepts donations without conditions from the donor. Donated materials may be added to the collection, given to our Friends group for resale, or discarded.


Reconsideration of materials both in and not in the collection can only be made by a resident of Murray City. Reciprocal borrowing policies do not extend to reconsideration of materials. The reconsideration process extends only to those items selected by the staff of the Murray City Library. Items that meet this selection criteria may be reconsidered through our online Request for Reconsideration. After reconsideration, the item in question will not be accepted again for reconsideration for a period of three years.

Approved by the Murray City Library Board January 15, 2025.

Room Use

The library offers meeting rooms where the community can gather to share information, discuss ideas, and present programs. The library welcomes and invites groups to use the rooms which are available without charge, by reservation regardless of the group’s beliefs or affiliations. Use of library meeting rooms does not constitute endorsement by the Library or its Board of Trustees of the ideas or opinions expressed by the participants or sponsors.

Room Types

Small Study Rooms are available for use by 1 to 2 individuals.

Study Rooms are available for use by 1 to 4 individuals.

The Board Room is available for use by 2 to 14 individuals.

The Large Meeting Room is available for use by 5 to 55 individuals.

Rooms are available Monday through Thursday from 9:00am until 7:30pm and Friday and Saturday from 9:00am until 4:30pm.

Requests for Reservations

Access priority is given to use by the Murray City Library and the Murray City Corporation.

All meetings in the Board Room, Small Meeting Room or Large Meeting Room must be open to the public unless closed by a public body in accordance with the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act.

The Library reserves the right to cancel or postpone previously scheduled reservations for library or city use with advance prior notice.

Individuals requesting the room must have a valid Murray City Library card in good standing. This individual is responsible for the appropriate use of the room and must be in attendance.

Individuals requesting the Board Room, Small Meeting Room or Large Meeting Room must be at least 18 years of age.

If a patron does not claim the room within 15 minutes of the reservation time, the reservation may be cancelled and the room will be made available to other patrons.

Rooms are available Monday through Thursday from 9:00am until 7:30pm and Friday and Saturday from 9:00am until 4:30pm.

Reservations for the Board Room, Small Meeting Room or Large Meeting Room may be requested 90 days in advance of the scheduled date. Permission may be granted to established Murray civic organizations to annually schedule reservations for the Large Meeting Room for monthly meetings for the period of their membership year.

Online reservation requests are encouraged. Requests may also be made in person or by phone at 801-264-2580.

Online acceptance of terms and conditions is considered a valid agreement.

Terms and Conditions

Damage to Library property as the result of room misuse will be charged to the individual who reserved the room.

Room use cannot interfere with library services. The library reserves the right to enforce fire codes and its Code of Conduct.

Due to limited parking, Large Meeting Room meeting participants are restricted to the 28 parking spaces along the east side of the lot.

Only commercially prepared food is allowed in the Large Meeting Room. The Salt Lake County Health Department prohibits the serving of homemade food or drink.

Nothing can be affixed to library property. Signage is available to indicate the location, time, and a brief description of Large Meeting Room events.

Set up and clean up, including returning furniture to its original location, is the responsibility of the reserving group.

The Library is not responsible for any meeting participant’s property or personal belongings.

All rooms must be vacated no later than 30 minutes before library closing hours.

Activities involving firearms, live ammunition, or hazardous substances are not permitted. This does not apply to the legal possession of firearms.

Groups are responsible for complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and for providing requested accommodations.

Failure to follow these terms and conditions may result in loss of room use privileges.

Appeal of staff decisions may be referred to the Library Director first and finally to the Library Board.

Meetings held for commercial purposes are prohibited, including sales, marketing, or solicitation of names for future sales and business referrals.

Commercial institutions may utilize the rooms for non-profit purposes. No admission fees may be solicited or collected and the sale of products or services is not permitted.

Adopted by the Murray Library Board of Trustees November 20, 2019, reviewed May 15, 2024.


Trespass Procedure

After Library staff determines that a person has engaged in severe or repeated misconduct and staff has determined that the individual involved should be trespassed from the Library, the following procedures will be followed:

      1. Staff will issue, or cause to be issued by police or other apparent authority, a trespass notice to the individual involved, notifying the individual that they are trespassed from the Library and the Library’s property. The notice shall indicate the reasons for the trespass, and the effective time period of trespass. It will also notify the individual of the process for appealing the trespass. The individual’s Library card shall be deactivated for the same length of time as the trespass.

      1. The staff member issuing the trespass notice will inform staff on the Staff Page, placing pertinent information on the “Trespassed” spreadsheet.

      1. Staff will forward a copy of the trespass notice and a written description of the incident to the Library Director.

      1. After consultation with Library staff, if the Library Director (“Director”) agrees with the reasons for the trespass, the Director need take no further action. If, after consultation with staff, the Director deems it appropriate to rescind or modify the terms of the trespass, the Director shall notify in writing the affected individual and Library staff about the decision to modify or rescind the trespass, including the reasons for the modification or rescission.

      1. Within ten (10) days from the date of being issued the trespass notice, the affected individual may make a written request for the Director to review the trespass notice. Upon such a request, the Director will review and may reconsider the decision of trespass. If information submitted by the affected individual warrants modification, the Director may shorten or terminate the trespass. The Director shall provide a written determination to the individual within ten (10) days of receiving the request for review. The Director may consult with the City Attorney’s Office before issuing a response to the affected individual. An affected individual must request the Director’s review and determination before proceeding with the appeal process outlined here. (Insert link to Appeal Process)

      1. Until such time as the trespass has been reviewed and/or modified by the Director, or reversed or modified on appeal, the affected individual may not use the Library.

    Trespass Appeal Process

    The aggrieved individual must first submit a written request to the Library Director asking for an official review of the trespass. The Library Director’s determination may be appealed as follows:

        1. Appeals shall be heard by an independent hearing officer. A list of five (5) hearing officers shall be appointed by the Library Board. For each appeal, the Board shall assign one (1) hearing officer from the list to handle the specific appeal.
          a. Hearing officers may not be employees of the City or members of the Library Board. Hearing officers may be removed from and new hearing officers added to the list at any time for any reason by the Library Board, unless that hearing officer is currently in the process of hearing an appeal. There is no set term for service as a hearing officer. Hearing officers shall serve without compensation.
          b. The Library Board reserves the right to establish rules for the appointment and assignment of hearing officers as it deems appropriate.

        1. In order to appeal the Director’s determination, the aggrieved individual must file a written notice of appeal within ten (10) days after they receive the Director’s determination. The notice of appeal shall be filed with the Director, who shall forward the notice of appeal to the Library Board as soon as practicable, but in no case any later than five (5) business days of receipt.

        1. The Library Board shall assign a hearing officer to hear the appeal within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the notice of appeal from the Director.

        1. The hearing officer shall schedule and hear an appeal within thirty (30) days after being assigned. The aggrieved individual shall be notified of the hearing at least ten (10) days before the hearing.

        1. At the hearing, the aggrieved individual may be represented by counsel, may present testimony and evidence, and may call and examine witnesses and cross-examine witnesses of the other party. The hearing officer shall conduct the hearing as they deem necessary, provided that the hearing officer shall allow each side a fair opportunity to present their arguments. The hearing shall be held at the Library or at Murray City Hall, as determined to be in the best interest of the parties, in the sole discretion of the hearing officer.

        1. Within ten (10) days after the hearing, the hearing officer shall issue a written decision stating the reasons therefore, and cause the decision to be sent or delivered to the aggrieved individual and to the Library. The hearing officer shall have the authority to affirm, reverse or to make any modifications to the Director’s decision that the hearing officer deems appropriate under the circumstances.

        1. The decision of the hearing officer shall be final.

        1. If a trespass is for a period of less than the total time required for the normal appeal process to take place, the aggrieved individual may request an expedited review in the notice of appeal. The above process shall be expedited such that a hearing officer can be assigned, a hearing scheduled and held by the hearing officer, and a decision made as soon as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances.

      Adopted by the Murray Library Board of Trustees – June 21, 2006; Revised June, 15, 2017.


      Unattended Children

      The Murray City Library welcomes and encourages children to visit, use resources and services, and attend library programs. Staff members are available to help and support children; however, the Library is not able to provide childcare or be responsible for unattended children.

      Unattended children are children of any age who are apparently unaccompanied by a parent, guardian or responsible caregiver. Children who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves may not be left alone in the Library and must have adequate supervision while in the Library. The Library is not responsible if children leave Library property unattended.

      Parents/guardians are responsible for the safety, behavior and supervision of children at all times while in the Library and on Library property, whether the parent/guardian is in the Library or not. Children are expected to respect Library property and adhere to the Library Code of Conduct. Disruptive children, attended or unattended, may be asked to
      leave the Library after one warning.

      Library staff will attempt to contact a parent/guardian if an unattended child’s behavior is disruptive, the child is in a potentially harmful situation or the child is left alone at closing time. If parents/guardians are not available or are unresponsive, the police will be contacted. Children who refuse or are unable to give contact information for a
      parent/guardian will not be allowed in the Library until the Director has talked to their parent/guardian.

      Adopted by the Murray Library Board of Trustees April 15, 2020


      Access To Buildings and Grounds Policy

       I. PURPOSE

          • A. The purpose of this policy is to ensure public access and use of the library grounds and facilities in a manner complementary to the library’s goal of providing equitable and safe access to information resources, programs, and services while ensuring such use does not interfere with operations or the rights of library patrons.

          • B. This policy applies to all library visitors and employees while on library property. This policy does not replace, but supplements applicable federal, state, and local laws. This policy is specifically authorized by Utah Code § 11-61-104(2) and Utah Code § 9-7-404 and 405.


            • A. Expressive Activity: Expressive Activity means (a) peacefully assembling, protesting, debating, or speaking; (b) distributing literature; (c) carrying a sign; or (d) signature gathering or circulating a petition.

            • B. Public Forum: A Public Forum is an area that has a long-standing tradition of being used for and is historically associated with the free exercise of Expressive Activity. The following areas are designated Public Forums:
                  1. Public roads surrounding the library grounds; and

                  1. Public sidewalks that run adjacent to the public roads.

              • C. Limited Public Forum: A Limited Public Forum is an area that has not traditionally been open for the free exercise of Expressive Activity but is made available by the library for Expressive Activity subject to the restrictions contained in this policy and the Room Use Policy. The following areas are designated as Limited Public Forums:
                    1. Library lawns;

                    1. Portions of the walkways leading to the Library, as depicted on the attached map; and Library public meeting rooms.

                • D. Non-Public Forum: A Non-Public Forum is an area that is not a Public Forum or a Limited Public Forum and is not open for the free exercise of Expressive Activity. The following areas are designated as Non-Public Forums:
                      1. The interior of the library, except for public meeting rooms that have been designated as Limited Public Forums;

                      1. Library entries and walkways leading from parking areas to entries; and

                      1. Parking lots.

                  • E. Restricted Areas: A Restricted Area is an area where public access and exercise of Expressive Activity is prohibited. Restricted Areas include, but are not limited to, the following:
                        1. Employee information technology work areas;

                        1. Employee offices and personal workspaces;

                        1. Employee lounge and break areas;

                        1. Equipment rooms/areas;

                        1. Ramps and loading docks;

                        1. Shrubs and flowerbeds;

                        1. Storage areas; and

                        1. Any other areas where signs indicate that access is restricted.

                  III. POLICY STATEMENT

                      • A. Use of Public Forum: Individuals or groups are permitted to the free exercise of Expressive Activity in Public Forum areas so long as they do not impede the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or violate any Federal, State, or local laws.

                      • B. Use of Non-Public Forum: Individuals or groups are permitted to access Non-Public Forum areas but are not permitted to the free exercise of Expressive Activity in the Non-Public Forum areas.

                      • C. Use of Restricted Areas: Individuals or groups are not permitted to enter, access, or exercise Expressive Activity in Restricted Areas. Restricted areas may only be accessed by authorized employees.

                      • D. Use of Limited Public Forums: Individuals or groups are permitted to the free exercise of Expressive Activity in Limited Public Forum areas subject to the following content-neutral time, place, and manner restrictions:
                            1. Availability: Limited Public Forums are available for use during normal library operating hours. Reservations may be made in advance in accordance with the Library’s Room Use Policy. 

                            1. Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions: Individuals engaging in Expressive Activity on the library grounds must abide by the following requirements. Expressive Activity must not:
                                  • a. Violate any federal, state, local, or other applicable law;

                                  • b. Interfere with the activities or rights of other persons or with the operations of the library;

                                  • c. Solicit or directly contact library patrons;

                                  • d. Disrupt other’s use and enjoyment of the library inside or outside the buildings;

                                  • e. Cause injury to persons or property or threaten to cause such injury;

                                  • f. Use or threaten violence or force, or encourage others to use or threaten violence or force;

                                  •  g. Obstruct entrances or exits to the buildings;

                                  • h. Obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic;

                                  • i. Represent a threat to public safety;

                                  • j. Include camping or the use of temporary shelters;

                                  • k. Affix items to any permanent structures;

                                  • l. Light any material on fire;

                                  • m. Utilize any amplification device;

                                  • n. Attract a crowd larger than the occupant limitations that the location can safely contain;

                          • B. Restricted Speech: The following categories of activities or speech are not protected by law and are not permitted on library grounds in any area:
                                1. speech that incites imminent lawless action;

                                1. speech that triggers a violent response (“fighting words”);

                                1. true threats of violence;

                                1. obscenity; and

                                1. child pornography.

                            • C. Persons or organizations responsible for an activity covered under this policy must remove all signs and litter from the area at the end of the event. If this is not accomplished, persons or organizations responsible for the event may be held financially responsible. 

                            • D. Activity that results in damage or destruction of property owned or operated by the library is prohibited. Persons or organizations causing such damage may be held financially responsible.

                            • E. The library maintains discretion to end any activity that it deems to be disruptive or a threat to others.

                          IV. PROCEDURES

                          It is the intent of the Board that the Library Director establish administrative rules/procedures necessary to implement this policy. These rules should, as much as possible, promote and foster pluralism in the Library environment by balancing the First Amendment freedom of speech and assembly rights of members of the public with the Board’s right and responsibility to maintain a level of decorum appropriate to the Library’s goals.

                          Adopted by the Murray Library Board of Trustees May 20, 2020